Most notably:
- new job - moved to London to work for Sky Network Services (part of Sky)
Paired (as in Pair Programming):
- remotely with 2 persons (thanks to Avdi Grimm's #pairwithme)
- locally with ~15 people
- professionally in: Java, JavaScript- for fun in: Ruby, Clojure
...and very briefly in: Bash, Python, C#
New frameworks and tools used in projects:
- Gradle (multi-language build tool)
- AngularJS (single-page apps with JavaScript)
- Jasmine and PhantomJS (unit testing setup for JavaScript)
- SpringJDBC (Database interface for Java)
- Jersey (RESTful web services for Java)
- Yatspec (supporting Java tool for Behaviour Driven Development)
- Spark (Sinatra-inspired micro framework for web applications in Java)
- writing one's own MVC framework
- ...and IntelliJ (Java IDE), Mac, MacOS, TeamCity (Continuous Integration supporting tool)
Attended meetups:
- Global Day of Code Retreat 2013 at Valtech, London (by LSCC)
- Software Craftsmanship Round Tables (by LSCC)
- Evening Code and Coffee / Craft Beer (by LSCC)
- eXtreme Tuesdays Club
- Architectural Kata with Alexandru Bolboaca (by LSCC)
- BDD workshop with Steve Tookie (by LSCC)
- BDD workshop with Meza Meszaros (by eXtreme Tuesdays Club)
Seen live and had a short chat with:
- Kent Beck ("My first feature and beyond: Why I work at Facebook")
- Uncle Bob ("Automated Acceptance Testing", "Professionalism", "Design Patterns")
Seen live (people I had heard of before moving to London):
- Michael Feathers, Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce, Dan North, Tim Mackinnon, Liz Keogh, Keith Braithwaite, Sandro Mancuso, Giovanni Asproni, Enrique Comba Riepenhausen
Read books:
- Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby by Sandi Metz
- Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns by Kent Beck
- Responsible Design in Android by J.B. Rainsberger
- Confident Ruby by Avdi Grimm
- Are your lights on? by D. Gause, G. Weinberg
- ... and partially bunch of other ones :)
Watched podcasts/screencasts:
- Destroy All Software by Gary Bernhardt
- Clean Coders by Uncle Bob
- Test-Driven Development by Kent Beck
- Ruby Rogues
And finally read/watched way to many blog posts, articles, interviews, conference talks, etc :)